With the builders' merchant sector continually striving to achieve net zero, the organising team has been ensuring that the longest running awards ceremony practices what the industry preaches, as they explain here.

The Builders’ Merchants Awards has a pedigree for innovation - and a key part of that is sustainability. We are focused on ensuring that our awards tick the box of sustainability and continue to focus on that bottom line as we move through the years.

For this year’s event we have made the conscious decision to focus on sustainability by making the following adjustments to the awards:

  • Every guest will be provided with a vegetarian starter in order to reduce the carbon footprint of the menu
  • The iconic trophies that have been provided to winners over the past 20+ years have been replaced by wooden trophies and for every trophy produced a new tree will be planted
  • The guest list for the awards will be available by QR and will not be provided to each of the 700+ guests as a printed copy
  • All our signage is created by a company which uses sustainable materials, sustainable travel, energy-efficient transportation and effective recycling.

…but more can be done and is being done.

Builders’ Merchants Awards 2024

Next year’s awards will focus on sustainability as the core theme. Whereas in the past we have looked at shining a spotlight on success or the stories that drive the awards forward, we will for 2024 be focused on sustainability.

The finer details are still being discussed but will revolve around our continued commitment to the awards and to ensure that they are not only giving back to the industry but the world as a whole.

What we do know is that we have continued to dedicate one of the award categories towards sustainability, the Sustainable and Environmental Initiative of the Year. It has grown in popularity with more submissions than ever before and we will continue to support the development of the category in 2024 and beyond.

If you have any thoughts on sustainability and the push towards a more sustainable future across the industry then please send them in and we would love to discuss them further with you.