CRASH has helped build a brand-new entrance to the Grade II listed building of Ashgate Hospicecare in North Derbyshire.
The new entrance means people with accessibility needs can attend the hospice's day services, without having to go through the in-patient unit – something that was potentially distressing for those attending bereavement support.
Thanks to its Corporate Patrons British Gypsum, Dulux, Hanson, and supporter company Heckmondwike, CRASH was able to award a £45,000 cash grant to the project.
Liz Allam, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Lead at Ashgate Hospice, said: “The accessible entrance at Ashgate makes an important and highly visible statement about our values of being inclusive and open to all. Taking the step of accessing care and support from a hospice can be daunting for people, and we want to make sure there are as few barriers as possible – physical or otherwise.”
In 2019, the charity, which uses the construction industry to help homelessness charities and hospices with their construction projects, also helped Ashgate hospice to convert its crowded three-bed in-patient bay into nine individual, private and peaceful rooms.
Projects Manager at CRASH Niamh McCann, who is on secondment to the charity from Corporate Patron Arcadis, commented: “I always enjoy bringing our Corporate Patron companies together to deliver lasting social impact in our communities – improving the accessibility to Ashgate Hospice and its day services will help the people of North Derbyshire for years to come.”