Content Writer Grace Murphy offers seven tips to reach your merchant audience during the Coronavirus pandemic.

The business landscape has been significantly changed by the coronavirus pandemic, so organisations have had to adapt how they conduct their operations.

For example, many companies are now working remotely or shifting to e-Commerce platforms. A negative consequence of this has been that some business owners are struggling to reach their new merchant audiences, such as online sellers, suppliers and customers.

Fortunately, there are several different ways to overcome this problem. I'm going to be discussing these tactics, so keep reading if you need help navigating the business landscape during the pandemic.

1. Social media

Social media is an excellent way to reach your new merchant audience, from potential customers to e-Commerce sellers. First things first, you need to set up accounts on different social media platforms and make sure that your page can be seen by the public. Then, search the apps for merchants who might be interested in your products or service. Start following them so your name pops up on their screen and enters their consciousness.

2. Reach out

Next, you should privately message these merchants on social media. When doing so, be selective. For example, don’t choose just anyone who sells PPE (if that’s what you manufacture). Instead, look for merchants who specialise in the kind of product that you’re selling. This means you will be much more likely to close a deal with them.

3. Pitching

If you want an online merchant to invest in your product, then it’s important to pitch yourself correctly. For every person you message, you should have a tailored speech which explains why your product/service is perfect for their specific company. To further increase your chances of success, ensure you have posted pictures and reviews of whatever you are selling on your social media for them to inspect.

4. Network

Networking on social media can also help you close deals. This involves commenting on different business posts or sharing their stories, working in collaboration. One of the best social media platforms for professional networking is LinkedIn, where you can publicly post your CV or accolades.

5. Emailing

Now we have spoken about reaching your new merchant audience during the pandemic, let’s talk about maintaining contact with your current buyers and sellers. Emailing is the perfect format to do so. It’s not as invasive as a phone call, but still keeps you in contact with your clientele and lets them know you’re still operating. Many businesses are relying on e-newsletters, for instance. These can provide essential updates on how proceedings have changed in line with coronavirus restrictions.

6. Directing merchants

One of the biggest problems that comes with remote working is communication barriers and adapting old proceedings. Your previous merchants might not know how to navigate business with you online. Thankfully, types of email marketing software can help you to overcome this problem. For example, using email template design software can help you create a virtual directory which you can send to clientele. This directory could contain hyperlinks which take people where they need to go and therefore facilitates online business.

7. Referrals

Implementing a referral scheme into your email marketing might also help you to reach your merchant audience during coronavirus. This works by offering those who you currently deal with a special reward if they refer an affiliate to your business, thereby increasing the number of online connections you have.

These are some of my top tips for reaching your merchant audience during the pandemic. Though coronavirus has placed some obstacles in our way, the power of technology can help us overcome them.