The Top 100 Plumbing and Heating Merchant Achievers seeks to highlight individuals across the sector who have achieved success, and celebrate their triumphs throughout the industry.
The Top 100 Plumbing and Heating Merchant Achievers seeks to highlight those individuals who go above and beyond. Those who seek challenge and enable positive change, which in turn pushes companies to be more profitable.
Running in its fourth year, Top 100 is a joint campaign between Builders’ Merchants News and the Builders Merchants Federation to highlight achievement across the industry. It ties into the person-centered nature of the sector and what BMN stands for, placing individuals and companies to the front, sharing best practice and recognizing their success.
While the hope is that no one will be sending in nominations right up until the deadline (rather raising a glass to a great year), it is important to confirm the date of that deadline: nominations are open now and will run until midnight on New Year’s Eve; ensuring that you have plenty of time to submit your nominations. You can nominate your colleagues or yourself but each nominations should include:
If you nominate a colleague, we leave it up to you if you let them know or keep this as a surprise, but you will need to let them know about the dinner (at some point) should they be selected.
To start your nominations, please visit this page of our website today.
A unique event
In addition to being recognised in the pages of Builders’ Merchants News, the final 100 achievers will be invited to a special gala dinner at the Belfry on 24 April 2025. This will be their chance to network with the industry, raise a glass to success, and be entertained by carefully selected performers.
This prestigious black tie dinner will also be attended by industry leaders keen to network with those that have been chosen as part of the final 100.
We are proud to once again be running the Top 100 campaign alongside the Builders Merchants Federation as it ties into our values. To highlight best practice and ensure that achievement is not hidden, it is shared for everyone to see.
Make sure you help us recognise success and place those who continue to go above and beyond to the front of the industry. Nominate someone today!