Buying group h&b has published its first Buying Guide for its merchant members.

Available exclusively to h&b merchant members, over 192 pages, the Buying Guide is packed with product information, contact details, order information and supplier status.

The Guide is available in hard copy and electronically and is designed as a quick and easy reference tool to members in addition to h&b’s industry-leading membership portal.

“The objective of this Buying Guide is to provide a consolidated supply guide is of all approved suppliers available to h&b members,” says Jamie Wyatt, h&b’s Trading Director.

“Communication is key, now more than ever, and the Guide forms part of our ongoing drive to communicate with members effectively with the information that they need and how they need it.

“In extremely challenging trading conditions, our members, as a group of independent businesses, have shown incredible resilience and agility. We have seen the impact that factory shut downs, social distancing in manufacturing and the exceptional demand for exterior project related products has had on the supply chain, with shortages of some core products becoming common place.

“But at h&b we will continue to leverage our scale and commitment to mitigate these issues wherever we can for our independent merchant members.”