STOKE-ON-TRENT: Dunlop Adhesives has released results of a survey that quizzed tradesmen on their use of smartphones at work. The results threw up a number of interesting figures – particularly that 56% of tradesmen who took part in the survey already own smartphones, and of that number, 79% either already use, or plan to use, smartphones to assist them in their trade.

Dunlop conducted the survey as part of an investigation into how new developments in technology over the last few years have affected the building trade, and how smartphone capability can potentially help tradesmen in their everyday operations

The survey suggests that tradesmen feel that there are not enough mobile sites on the market targeted towards the building trade.

While 37% of tradesmen download apps, only 22% of those download work related apps currently available for their smartphones

All respondents from the questionnaire were put into prize draw to win an iPod shuffle and Mr P Randall, a

Debi Bailey, brand manager for Dunlop Adhesives, comments: "Technology has moved so fast in the last few years that it is increasingly important to be aware of the potential changes to methodologies of working, and the building trade is certainly no exception. We were really curious to find out how tradesmen are utilising the success of smartphone technology to help them within the trade; both as a picture of the present, and as a potential insight to the future of the industry.

"I think that what this survey reveals is that times are changing; if a tradesmen needs advice or guidance when tackling a particular job they are as likely to look for advice on their smartphone as they are to dust off an old builder’s manual."