The National Merchant Buying Society (NMBS) now has a trading agreement for LG solar panels with Zenex Solar.

NMBS has also installed an 8kWp LG solar panel system on its roof in Leicestershire. The 32 LG panels will generate between £1,200 and £1,500 a year in combined income and saved electricity.

“Putting the solar panel system on our roof continues to show that NMBS is a forward-thinking company,” said Chris Hayward, NMBS managing director. “We are also pleased that our membership has access to the brand-leading LG solar panel.”

Liz MacFarlane, sales director of Zenex Solar, said: “Working with the NMBS is a great honour. We spent a long time ensuring we got everything right so merchants can simply pick up the phone and start to order panels or off-the-shelf kits.”

Solar is a widely accepted renewable technology in Europe, with an average monthly trade value of around £13m in the UK. The import market alone is estimated to be worth EUR21b. Solar is a source of clean, free electricity and it comes with the Feed-In-Tariff.

Zenex Solar have shared an example of the return from solar for those considering investment:

First Year

  • kWp: 8kW
  • Income from Feed-In Generation Tariff at 13.99p/kWh: £904.83
  • Income from exporting energy at 4.64p/kWh: £195.07
  • Electricity Saving: £325.97
  • Total Benefit: £1,425.87
  • Total Profit Over 20 years: £39,532.55
  • 21.58 % per year (8.36% AER).